Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. How to use motto in a sentence. English dictionary definition of motto. A brief statement used to express a principle,.
For example, the motto of the Earl of Onslow is Festina lente (literally make haste slowly), punningly interpreting on-slow. Similarly, the motto of the Burgh of Tayport, Te oportet alte ferri (It is incumbent on you to carry yourself high), is a rather terrible cant on Tayport at auld Tay Ferry, also alluding to the local lighthouse. Uebersetzung von Motto uebersetzen. That was the motto adopted for the celebrations of the century. But logic requires that he extend the idea of a motto beyond the schools and into other public institutions.
His views did not win general support, even within the association, which, however, later adopted the phrase as a motto. Hörbeispiele: Motto Reime:-ɔto. An example of a motto is.

Ein Motto ist ein Leitspruch, der tiefer verzweigte Inhalte in einem prägnanten Claim oder Satz zusammenfasst. Im Blick auf den lateinischen Ursprung des Wortes (muttum – murmeln) führt das Motto von der diffusen Wahrnehmung zu einer klaren Aussage. Dieses Prinzip wird in vielen Bereichen angewandt. It was the motto of a bishop eminent for his piety and good works,. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary.
Serve Go and be cheerful. The concept of a tagline, or a catchy phrase about a product (usually a movie), also descends from the motto. If a brand or institution chooses to use a visual representation of their mission or history, such as a logo or coat or arms, a motto may be incorporated there as well. Altgeräteentsorgung besonders günstig.
A motto is a phrase intended to formally describe the general motivation or intention of an organization. State mottos can sometimes be found on state seals or state flags. Ships and submarines in the Royal Navy each have a badge and motto , as do units of the Royal Air Force. A motto is a slogan or favorite saying, like When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.
Information and translations of motto in the most comprehensive. Meaning of Motto as a finance term. View the pronunciation for motto. Synonyms for motto at Thesaurus.

Looking for online definition of MOTTO or what MOTTO stands for? Motto -Ziele wurden als Alternative zu SMART Zielen entwickelt. Ein neuer Ansatz, damit du deine Ziele erreichst - wie das geht, erfährst du auf Shuru.
Motto ist ein kurzer Satz oder Satz, der die Überzeugungen oder Ideale einer Person, Familie oder Institution widerspiegelt. Slogan ist eine kurze aufmerksamkeitsstarke Phrase, die in der Werbung oder Promotion verwendet wird. Motto beschreibt allgemein eine Qualität.
Clear definition and great examples of Motto. A motto is a brief statement that sums up the beliefs or character of a family, organization, or individual. Merriam-Webster Thesaurus.
Das Wort „ Motto “ kommt aus dem Italienischen, und so wird auch bei uns gelegentlich die italienische Plural-Form „Motti“ verwendet. Find another word for motto. Ben read the motto at the head of the chapter. Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino (mesa, tabla).
Rachel got a fortune cookie with a lame motto on it with her bill at the restaurant. A small phrase that identifies a brand or a concept. Reverso offers you a German definition dictionary to search Motto and thousands of other words. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.
Ziele und Motivation in zweierlei Hinsicht: Zum einen kann es sein, dass er einen Mitarbeitenden berät, dem solch ein Ziel für eine nicht. But our motto is win with class, lose with class. Be prepared is the motto of the Boy Scouts.
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