Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. How to use rapid in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of rapid. English dictionary definition of rapid. Moving, acting, or occurring with great speed.
Hierbei handelt es sich um eine Affektstörung, bei der es zum alternierenden Auftreten von manischen bzw. Phasen mit depressiven Episoden kommt. Die für diese Verfahrensgruppe relevante Datenschnittstelle ist das STL-Format.
With the rapid fall in interest rates the desire to purchase an annuity diminished. The company had an excellent staff retention rate, but rapid expansion came at a price. The combination of a steep drop in interest rates and the rapid rise in household debt has fuelled a surge in lending.
RAPID requires practice and discipline. Successful adopters start with the decisions that they rely on to run their businesses day to day. Als Grundlage für das Verfahren des 3D-Printings zur Produktion von dreidimensionalen Prototypen dienen sogenannte CAD-Daten. Diese Daten enthalten computergestützte Entwürfe und werden vor dem eigentlichen Fertigungsprozess eingelesen.
Pagersysteme und Rufsysteme aller Art! Rapid -Prototyping und 3D-Drucker. View the pronunciation for rapid. When your breathing becomes really fast, this is an.

See Acute myocardial infarction, tPA, rtPA. Patient discussion about RAPID. If the baby movement is quick, will it be harmful …. A Class rapid may be categorized as Class 5. While class I rapids are easy to navigate and require little maneuvering, class VI rapids pose threat to life with little or no chance for rescue. River rafting sports are carried out where many rapids are present in the course. Information and translations of rapid in the most comprehensive.
Definition of rapid in the Definitions. Find descriptive alternatives for rapid. Ihr Zustand hat sich rapide verschlechtert.
EurLex-In den Externen Politikbereichen, insbesondere auf dem Gebiet der geteilten BewirtŽschaftung, wurde mit Wirkung vom 1. The primary focus of these definitions are the rapid detection of newly emerging threats and they may be augmented later with more robust detection capabilities. Rapid-fire definition : A rapid-fire gun is one that shoots a lot of bullets very quickly, one after the other. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and.
Beim Test von Prototypen handelt sich in der Regel um szenario-gestützte Testsitzungen mit einer geringen Anzahl an Nutzern. Als Testmaterial liegen einfache, in der Regel bedingt-funktionale Prototypen vor. Als Non-REM-Schlaf bezeichnet man die Schlafphasen, in denen die für den REM-Schlaf charakteristischen Augenbewegungen fehlen bzw.
Traumerlebnisse in dieser Phase sind nur spärlich vorhanden. Die Körpertemperatur und der Blutdruck des Schlafenden sinken im Non-REM. Because of the setup of cloud computing services, provisioning can be seamless for the client or user.
Experts suggest that rapid prototyping helps companies reduce waste, get products to market more quickly and test products in the real world. There is the idea that, since an initial prototype is hardly ever perfect, rapid prototyping makes possible a series of releases that allow for fine-tuning the product. QUESTION: There are some concerns in this country about the European plan for what they call a rapid -reaction force, their own military capability. Till now you might have got some idea about the acronym, abbreviation or meaning of RAPID. This definition explains rapid application development (RAD), a software-development approach designed to produce high-quality products quickly by using strategies.
With this approach, 3-dimensional prototypes of a product or feature are created and tested in an attempt to optimize characteristics like shape, size, and overall usability. What does rapid-fire mean ? Press releases from other European institutions from the last days can be found in the EU Newsroom.
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