GUI アプリケーションはとりあえずターミナルエミュレータであるxtermを入れてみます。 FROM debian:8. I won’t cover it in much detail as you likely know it well already. Restart docker container and run following commands to get to the bash shell in the mysql container.

Inside the container, to connect to mysql command line type, mysql -u root -p Use MYSQL _ROOT_PASSWORD as specified in the docker -compose. Kitematic also automates advanced features such as managing ports and configuring volumes. Portainer is easy to use software that provides an intuitive interface for both software developers and IT operations. This mini tutorial isn’t supposed to take you through the entire container setup et al. Nevyan Neykov 2views.
Percona(or mariadb or mysql ) can not start. More generally, there can be other forms of clients too - such as Kitematic which provide a GUI to the users. This would work, but it wouldn’t be very useful.
So here where really magic begins. We create playbook with three simple tasks. On the output you will get three running containers connected to each other and ready to serve.
You then create and query a database with sqlcmd. The listed items are provided as links to the corresponding download pages where you can fetch the necessary files. We are used to running command line applications with no Graphical UI at all.