INTJs believe in constant growth in relationships, and strive for independence for themselves and their mates. They are constantly embarking on fix-up projects to improve the overall quality of their lives and relationships. Not every partneraddressing conflicts and emotional needs as cold puzzles to be analyzed and solved like Architects do. Sometimes emotions need to be expressed for their own sake, and putting every outburst under the microscope, as Architects are prone to do, isn’t always helpful. Liebe IND-Partnerin, lieber IND- Partner (INTJ) Ich habe eingesehen, dass es dir ein großes Bedürfnis ist, deinen persönlichen Beschäftigungen und Interessen nachzugehen.
Das widerspricht zwar meinem Kontakt- und Redebedürfnis, aber ich werde dir so viel Freiraum wie möglich lassen. People of the following types present the most potential for personality clash and conflict with the INTJ , but also the best opportunities for growth. Top Qualities INTJ Men Look For In Women. It’s important that an INTJ’s partner encourages him, but this doesn’t mean that she should always agree with him. The relationship then becomes a sort of psychotherapeutic forum, with the INTJ working to analyze, diagnose, and treat his wounded partner.
On a more positive note, Fi also contributes a strong sense of loyalty to one’s partner and offspring. It zeroes in on the unique features of the individual and grows deeply attached to those qualities. When in relationship with the ESFP, the INTJ faces the same issues as with other overly extraverted and outgoing types. The ESFP sees relationships as a form of entertainment, but the INTJ hardly has time for such things. Sure, the ESFP may find it amusing to poke fun at his or her INTJ partner , in the beginning, encouraging them to loosen up a. It is important to note that any personality type can be successful in any occupation.

However, some occupations are well suited to the natural talents and preferred work style of the INTJ , while other occupations demand modes of thinking and behavior that do not come as naturally to this type. I feel jealousy just like any other person. I’m less inclined to act on it though.
Having low Se in the cognitive stacking can make an immature INTJ feel a need to. Your article is amazing! It really says alot about the challenges and rewards the relationship has to offer. The personality test said I am INFJ-A. I am in denial but I have most of the personality traits, unfortunately.
My partner is INTJ and he is exactly what you said in your article. We are similar in many ways but so different. If an INTJ has given a compliment to their Partner once, they rarely feel the need to repeat it. A Partner can interpret this lack of repetition as a lack of affection, and become upset. The INTJ will then use this knowledge to further strengthen the relationship and create a powerful union built on understanding and trust.
Left to their natural state, without guidance, it is very difficult for the INTJ to find a romantic partner , since the sort of partner that compliments the INTJ well needs social skills to be found. The INTJ can help focus the ENFPs ideas and find a sense of calm and direction in their life. Steer clear of interrupting them, as interruptions are a huge source of frustration for INTJs.
Of course, this process isn’t foolproof, and there will be times when the INTJ is distracted or just plain wrong, but generally their intensive study of their partner will help them to keep their relationship stable and happy. One area in which INTJs will always have trouble is the emotional component of relationships. More than anything, INTJ wants a healthy relationship in which they and their partner are comfortable and content. This driving need to constantly work on and improve the relationship can become annoying and stressful to INTJ ’s partner if allowed to get out of control. This video is about my INFJ INTJ relationship with Charlotte.
In reality I think we balance each other out brilliantly. But sometimes there is a difference in understanding. Quick INTJ Female video regarding a scenario of her opposite type partner being upset.

Communication is also critical. Rather than expecting your partner to pick up on your subtle cues, focus on being straight-forward or even blunt about what you expect. Talk through your thought process with your partner.
An ENTP might be a better match and actually, I think an ENTJ makes the most sense for a partner. An INTJ will become obsessive about details, like getting stuck on numbers, buttons, rows and columns, particular sounds, or repeating patterns. Observing an INTJ getting stuck on the small details can be like watching a car revving in a neutral gear.
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