Altgeräteentsorgung besonders günstig. This spelling is the most common in most Commonwealth nations, except in the medical literature, where fetus is used. The more classical spelling fetus is used in Canada and the United States.
The spelling faetus was also used historically. Buds (in fetus ) - medical fatally-impaired fetus to term. The unborn young of a viviparous vertebrate having a basic structural resemblance to the adult animal. In humans, the unborn young. Als Fetus bezeichnet man den menschlichen Embryo nach Ausbildung der inneren Organe während der Schwangerschaft (ab der 9. Schwangerschaftswoche bis zur Geburt).
English dictionary definition of fetus. The developing individual from about the eighth or tenth week of life in the womb until the time of birth. The fetus has all the recognizable external characteristics of a human being. At weeks, the fetus measures about 2. The face is formed but the eyelids are fused together. A fetus or foetus is the stage that an organism goes through before it is born as a baby.
The fetal stage lasts from weeks after fertilization to birth. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. The body of the fetus is now covered by the so-called vernix, which is formed by the sebaceous glands and protects the skin of the fetus. Fetus definition : the embryo of a mammal in the later stages of development , when it shows all the main. To protect the skin in the course of pregnancy forms in the fifth month, the so-called vernix.
Außerdem erleichtert der Fett-Film dem Kleinen später den Weg durch den Geburtskanal. Fetus in fetu (or foetus in foetu) is a developmental abnormality in which a mass of tissue resembling a fetus forms inside the body. There are two theories of origin concerning fetus in fetu. Uebersetzung von Fetus uebersetzen. Aussprache von Fetus Übersetzungen von Fetus Synonyme, Fetus Antonyme.
Campylobacter fetus ssp. Trichomonas foetus), they have been subjected to the following tests with negative in each case, except for the BVD. We know how fetuses grow, but what makes a fetus a living person?
A fetus is an animal or human being in its later stages of development before it is born. Canada , US ) An unborn or unhatched vertebrate showing signs of the mature animal. John W Choate, Henry A. Foetus definition, fetus.

Reactivation will enable you to use the vocabulary trainer and any other programs. Usage notes The form ( fetus ) is preferred in North America and in the scientific community, whereas (foetus) is still commonly used in Commonwealth nations. Ihre Texte handeln von Politik, Gewalt und Religion und waren früher von Gore-Elementen durchsetzt.
Meaning of fetus as a legal term. Human translations with examples: vibrio fetus , spirillum fetus , campylobacter fetus. Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected.
It’s easy and only takes a few. A fetus in humans talks about the stage (time of development) after the embryonic stage, which is the third to eighth week of development after fertilization. The length of the fetus is 3-cm. During intrauterine life, such functions as respiration, nutrition, excretion, and metabolism are achieved by means of the placenta.
By the end of the fourth month, the fetus develops a face, and movement of the limbs increases. The definition of a fetus is an unborn offspring of an animal with a vertebrae or human. A baby that has been in its mother's stomach growing.
Translation for Fetus in the German-German dictionary.
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